Pioneering the Fight Against Loneliness with Mindfulness

In a groundbreaking move, ‘Anamatangi has taken the lead in San Mateo County, as the County becomes the first agency in the United States to address the pressing issue of loneliness as a public health emergency. This initiative aligns with the county's recent declaration of loneliness as a major public health concern, with a unanimous vote by the Board of Supervisors highlighting the urgency of the matter.

The Alarming Statistics and Profound Impact

Recent data from a Meta-Gallup survey has shed light on the pervasive nature of loneliness globally. San Mateo County, however, stands out with a staggering 45% of its population reported to be grappling with loneliness, a statistic that surpasses the national average. This epidemic disproportionately affects both older adults and teenagers, an often-overlooked demographic in discussions surrounding loneliness.

Research underscores the severity of the issue, revealing significant correlations between loneliness and various mental and physical health challenges. Conditions such as depression, alcohol abuse, personality disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, and cardiovascular diseases have all been linked to the experience of loneliness. Clinical psychologist Dr. Andrea Zorbas emphasizes the intricate connection between mental and physical health, indicating that the toll of loneliness on mental well-being can manifest in physical health deterioration.

Anamatangi's Response to the Crisis: Mindfulness and Connection

Recognizing the urgency of addressing this health crisis, ‘Anamatangi is at the forefront of pioneering solutions. Embracing mindfulness as a powerful tool for combating loneliness, the organization is developing initiatives that blend tradition with innovation to foster social connection and mental well-being.

As the county explores measures to enhance social connection and mental health, ‘Anamatangi is championing the cause by incorporating mindfulness-based interventions. In alignment with the county supervisor's advocacy for a 'minister of loneliness, ‘Anamatangi is taking concrete steps to develop programs and initiatives that directly combat the profound impact of loneliness on the community.

‘Anamatangi's commitment to tackling loneliness is grounded in both global insights and a deep understanding of the local community's needs. Drawing from cultural richness and community resilience, the organization aims to tailor initiatives that resonate with the unique challenges faced by the residents of San Mateo County.

Looking Ahead: A Collective Journey

While the declaration of loneliness as a public health emergency is a momentous first step, ‘Anamatangi acknowledges that the journey to combat loneliness is an enduring one. The organization emphasizes the need for sustained efforts to promote social connection, mental health, and overall well-being.

‘Anamatangi believes that by addressing loneliness head-on, other counties and states can learn valuable lessons and take proactive measures to address this often-overlooked health crisis. As the organization pioneers the use of mindfulness in the fight against loneliness, it stands as a beacon of hope, guiding communities toward a future where social connection and well-being prevail.


Stanford SWEET first to receive MBSAT mindfulness workshops in Santa Clara County.